Hi, welcome to my website! I write about things that happen day to day. Kind of like a diary if that's what you can call it online haha :) So what happened to me today? Well, today actually, just five minutes ago I tried making this website. On another blog website but that doesn't matter, and as soon as I had finished writing up everything my internet crashed. I had no idea what to do, this had happened for deveral days before. Last time it happened I went to a friends house. With my laptop I started searching online if I could find out what caused my internet to crash and not come back all of a sudden. After not finding anything at all my friend told me to just use the neighbours WiFi. I had no idea how to go about doing that, I payed for my own internet after all!
So my friend showed me some WiFi hacker. I tried it and to my huge surprise it actually worked! It was a bit of a hassle to get it going but eventually it did work. Here is a video that shows how it works, kind of like a tutorial if that's how you woud like to call it. www.dailymotion.com/video/x20vgdp.
That's what it looks like! After this I went home again and used it there , I was also able to send an email to my provider who then solved the problem, gotta do something for it when you don't like calling,haahah :)